inventRight Discord Server

Welcome to the inventRight Discord Server.

Our Discord Server will now be replacing our Forum. This will make it easier and more convenienet for you to connect with your fellow inventRight Members. You can connect via your web browser or mobile app.

If you are already familiar with Discord simply click the button below to connect yourself as an inventRight Member to our Discord Server.

If you are new to Discord please watch some of the videos below to familiarize yourself with this app. Once you have downoaded the app and signed up for an account come back here and click the button above to connect your account to the iR Members Discord Server.

Welcome and enjoy!

Click the link below to join our Discord Server.

Once you have joined please give us 24-48 working hours to approve your membership to the Discord Server. Thank you!

How Discord Works

Changing your Username & Avitar

More In Dept On How To Use Discord